The Taranis Staff Team


Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr. Viral brunch sustainable fixie, cardigan Cosby sweater polaroid photo booth tousled.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et eleifend libero. Cras blandit eget nunc non sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas eget felis ultricies, finibus ante quis, semper tortor. Sed pharetra odio quis tempor fermentum. Maecenas tincidunt dui dapibus mi rhoncus imperdiet. Praesent tempor efficitur tempor. Integer quis tincidunt felis.

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Likes: Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Dislikes: Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

Founder & Owner

Vanessa Sullivan

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Likes: Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Dislikes: Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

Founder & CEO

Ally Mason

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Likes: Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Dislikes: Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

Founder & Owner

Vanessa Sullivan

Joy is Powerful

we believe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec viverra lacinia lacus, quis pretium felis placerat sed. In ut porta elit. Vestibulum quis commodo velit. Phasellus convallis massa non dictum varius. Proin at viverra diam. Aliquam ac dignissim.

In people over profit

we believe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec viverra lacinia lacus, quis pretium felis placerat sed. In ut porta elit. Vestibulum quis commodo velit. Phasellus convallis massa non dictum varius. Proin at viverra diam. Aliquam ac dignissim.

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out.

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sharon miller

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out.

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Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub.

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